Currently, 95% of residents who complete SHAWL’s Primary Program and move to transitional housing obtain employment by their 2nd month in transitional housing.
Additionally, for those residents who want to go back to school to either obtain a GED or begin higher education, our case managers work closely with residents to ensure that the steps needed to obtain these goals are completed.
An important aspect of long-lasting recovery from drugs and/or alcohol and the ability to live violence-free is the opportunity to become self-sufficient. At SHAWL, we believe it is important for a woman to become self-sufficient. We work closely with residents to ensure they have the proper tools before seeking employment including:
Domestic Violence Education Group
Advocacy in Court
Referrals to specific outside agencies based on need
Anger Management
Case management to address issues dealing with domestic violence which can include:
Obtaining restraining orders
Referrals to specific outside agencies based on individual need